PCA in Action: From Commodity Derivatives to Dispersion Trading

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction technique used to simplify complex datasets. It transforms the original variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables called principal components, ranked in order of their contribution to the dataset’s total variance. In this post, we’ll discuss various applications of PCA.

Pricing Commodity Derivatives Using Principal Component Analysis

Due to the seasonal nature of commodities, pricing models should be able to take into account seasonality and other deterministic factors.

Reference [1] proposed a new, multi-factor pricing method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It introduces a multi-factor model designed to price commodity derivatives, with a particular focus on commodity swaptions.


– The model calibration process consists of two key steps: offline and online.

– The offline step, conducted infrequently, determines mean reversion rates, the ratio of long and short factor volatilities, and the correlation between the factors using historical data.

– The online step occurs every time the model is used to price an option or simulate price paths.

– Empirical analysis demonstrates that the model is highly accurate in its predictions and applications.

– Swaptions, which are relatively illiquid commodities, present a challenge due to their one-sided natural flow in the market.

– Model calibration strategies are divided into seasonal and non-seasonal categories, considering the asset’s characteristics. For seasonal assets like power or gas, local volatilities are calibrated separately for each contract, while a boot-strapping strategy is employed for non-seasonal assets like oil.

– Currently, the multi-factor model lacks a term structure for volatility ratios and mean reversions. However, it can be easily extended to incorporate a time dependency, which would facilitate fitting market prices of swaptions across various tenors.


[1]  Tim Xiao, Pricing Commodity Derivatives Based on A Factor Model, Philarchive

Dispersion Trading Using Principal Component Analysis

Dispersion trading involves taking positions on the difference in volatility between an index and its constituent stocks.

Reference [2] examined dispersion trading strategies based on a statistical index subsetting procedure and applied it to the S&P 500 constituents


– This paper introduces a dispersion trading strategy using a statistical index subsetting approach applied to S&P 500 constituents from January 2000 to December 2017.

– The selection process employs principal component analysis (PCA) to determine each stock’s explanatory power within the index and assigns appropriate subset weights.

– In the out-of-sample trading phase, both hedged and unhedged strategies are implemented using the most suitable stocks.

– The strategy delivers significant annualized returns of 14.52% (hedged) and 26.51% (unhedged) after transaction costs, with Sharpe ratios of 0.40 and 0.34, respectively.

– Performance remains robust across different market conditions and outperforms naive subsetting schemes and a buy-and-hold approach in terms of risk-return characteristics.

– A deeper analysis highlights a correlation between the chosen number of principal components and the behavior of the S&P 500 index.

– An index subsetting procedure was developed, considering the explanatory power of individual stocks, allowing a replicating option basket with as few as five securities.

– An analysis of sector exposure, principal components, and robustness checks demonstrated that the trading systems have superior risk-return characteristics compared to other dispersion strategies.


[2] L. Schneider, and J. Stübinger, Dispersion Trading Based on the Explanatory Power of S&P 500 Stock Returns, Mathematics 2020, 8, 1627

Closing Thoughts

PCA is a powerful tool in quantitative finance. In this issue, we have demonstrated its effectiveness in pricing commodity derivatives and developing dispersion trading strategies. Its versatility extends beyond these applications, making it a valuable technique for tackling a wide range of problems in quantitative finance.

Option Pricing Models and Strategies for Crude Oil Markets

Financial models and strategies are usually universal and can be applied across different asset classes. However, in some cases, they must be adapted to the unique characteristics of the underlying asset. In this post, I’m going to discuss option pricing models and trading strategies in commodities, specifically in the crude oil market.

Volatility Smile in the Commodity Market

Paper [1] investigates the volatility smile in the crude oil market and demonstrates how it differs from the smile observed in the equity market.  It proposes to use the new method developed by Carr and Wu in order to study the volatility smile of commodities. Specifically, the authors examine the volatility smile of the United States Oil ETF, USO.


– This paper examines the information derived from the no-arbitrage Carr and Wu formula within a new option pricing framework in the USO (United States Oil Fund) options market.

– The study investigates the predictability of this information in forecasting future USO returns.

– Using the no-arbitrage formula, risk-neutral variance, and covariance estimates are obtained under the new framework.

– The research identifies the term structure and dynamics of these risk-neutral estimates.

– The findings reveal a “U”-shaped implied volatility smile with a positive curvature in the USO options market.

Usually, an equity index such S&P 500 exhibits a downward-sloping implied volatility pattern, i.e. a negative implied volatility skew. Oil, on the other hand, possesses a different volatility smile. This is because while equities are typically associated with crash risks, oil prices exhibit both sharp spikes and crashes, leading to a different implied volatility pattern. This highlights the importance of considering the specific characteristics and dynamics of different asset classes when analyzing and interpreting implied volatility patterns.


[1] Xiaolan Jia, Xinfeng Ruan, Jin E. Zhang, Carr and Wu’s (2020) framework in the oil ETF option market, Journal of Commodity Markets, Volume 31, September 2023, 100334

Statistical Arbitrage in the Crude Oil Markets

Reference [2] directly applies statistical arbitrage techniques, commonly used in equity markets, to the crude oil market.  It utilizes cointegration to construct a statistical arbitrage portfolio. Various methods are then used to test for stationarity and mean reversion: the Quandt likelihood ratio (QLR), augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test, autocorrelations, and the variance ratio. The constructed strategy performed well both in- and out-of-sample.


– This paper introduces the concept of statistical arbitrage through a trading strategy known as the mispricing portfolio.

– It focuses specifically on mean-reverting strategies designed to exploit persistent anomalies observed in financial markets.

– Empirical evidence is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of statistical arbitrage in the crude oil markets.

– The mispricing portfolio is constructed using cointegration regression, establishing long-term pricing relationships between WTI crude oil futures and a replication portfolio composed of Brent and Dubai crude oils.

-Mispricing dynamics revert to equilibrium with predictable behaviour. Trading rules, which are commonly used in equity markets, are then applied to the crude oil market to exploit this pattern.


[2] Viviana Fanelli, Mean-Reverting Statistical Arbitrage Strategies in Crude Oil Markets, Risks 2024, 12, 106.

Closing Thoughts

As we’ve seen, techniques and models utilized in the equity market can sometimes be applied directly to the crude oil market, while other times they need to be adapted to the unique characteristics of the crude oil market. In any case, strong domain knowledge is essential.

Educational Video

In this webinar, Quantitative Trading in the Oil Market, Dr Ilia Bouchouev delivers an interesting and insightful presentation on algorithmic trading in the oil market. He also encourages viewers to apply the techniques discussed for the oil market to other markets, such as equities.

When Correlations Break or Hold: Strategies for Effective Hedging and Trading

It’s well known that there is a negative relationship between an equity’s price and its volatility. This can be explained by leverage or, alternatively, by volatility feedback effects. In this post, I’ll discuss practical applications to exploit this negative correlation between equity prices and their volatility.

A Trading Strategy Based on the Correlation Between the VIX and S&P500 Indices

This paper [1] examines the strong correlation in the S&P 500 and identifies trading opportunities when this correlation weakens or breaks down.


-The study covers the period from January 1995 to October 2020, utilizing 6,488 daily observations of the VIX and S&P500 indexes.

– In scenarios where the options market indicates increased drawdown risk with higher implied volatility but negative returns have not yet occurred, consider shorting the market.

– The signal to short the market occurs when the negative correlation between the S&P 500 and VIX is broken, and they start exhibiting a positive correlation.

– The test setup involves identifying one or two consecutive days with positive co-movement between the VIX and S&P 500, then setting the transaction date for the day after or at the close of the chosen date.

– Empirical results show that the strategy outperforms the S&P500 index over the 25-year period, achieving higher returns, lower systematic risk, and reduced volatility.

-The findings provide evidence that excess returns can be generated by timing the market using historical data, even after accounting for trading costs.


[1] Tuomas Lehtinen, Statistical arbitrage strategy based on VIX-to-market based signal, Hanken School of Economics

Optimal Hedging for Options Using Minimum-Variance Delta

Contrary to the first paper, Reference [2] focuses on the strong correlation between the S&P 500 and its volatility, designing an efficient scheme for hedging an options book.

The authors developed a so-called minimum variance (MV) delta. Essentially, the MV delta is the Black-Scholes delta with an additional adjustment term.


-Due to the negative relationship between price and volatility for equities, the minimum variance delta is consistently less than the practitioner Black-Scholes delta.

-Traders should under-hedge equity call options and over-hedge equity put options compared to the practitioner Black-Scholes delta.

-The study demonstrates that the minimum variance delta can be accurately estimated using the practitioner Black-Scholes delta and the historical relationship between implied volatilities and asset prices.

-The expected movement in implied volatility for stock index options can be approximated as a quadratic function of the practitioner Black-Scholes delta divided by the square root of time.

-A formula for converting the practitioner Black-Scholes delta to the minimum variance delta is provided, yielding good out-of-sample results for both European and American call options on stock indices.

-For S&P 500 options, the model outperforms stochastic volatility models and models based on the slope of the volatility smile.

-The model works less well for certain ETFs


[2] John Hull and Alan White, Optimal Delta Hedging for Options, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 82, Sept 2017: 180-190

Closing Thoughts

These two papers take opposing approaches: one exploits correlation breakdown, while the other capitalizes on the correlation remaining strong. However, they are not mutually exclusive. Combining insights from both can lead to a more efficient trading or hedging strategy.

Educational Video

This seminar by Prof. J. Hull delves into the second paper discussed above.


The “practitioner Black-Scholes delta” for hedging equity options is a delta calculated from the Black-Scholes-Merton model with the volatility parameter set equal to the implied volatility. As has been pointed out by a number of researchers, this delta does not minimize the variance of a trader’s position. This is because there is a negative correlation between equity price movements and implied volatility movements. The minimum variance delta takes account of both the impact of price changes and the impact of the expected change in implied volatility conditional on a price change. In this paper, we use ten years of data on options on stock indices and individual stocks to investigate the relationship between the Black-Scholes delta and the minimum variance delta. Our approach is different from earlier research in that it is empirically-based. It does not require a stochastic volatility model to be specified. Joint work with Allan White.

Examining Contango and Backwardation in VIX Futures

In this post, I will continue exploring various aspects of the volatility index and the associated volatility futures.


To conduct this study, data is essential. Below are the data sources:

  • Spot VIX: Yahoo Finance provides data but no longer allows direct downloads. With some programming, a workaround can be found, but the most convenient option is to use Barchart.


  • VX Futures: CBOE offers historical data in CSV format.


  • Short-Term Futures Index:

While not directly utilized in this issue, I use this data to validate other ideas. For completeness, here is the download link:


Statistics for spot VIX and VX Futures

The table below provides statistics for the S&P 500 (tracked by SPY), spot VIX, and VX futures. It shows the percentage of days the S&P 500 index is up and the percentage of days VX futures are in contango, where the front-month futures price is lower than the next-month futures price.

From January 2013 to November 2024, the S&P 500 index was up  54.9% of the time, while VX futures were in contango most of the time (85.2%).

The next table presents the number of days VX futures were in backwardation while the spot VIX was in contango. Spot VIX in contango is defined as the 1M spot VIX being less than the 3M spot VIX.

From  January 2013 to July 2024, this situation was very rare, occurring only 7% of the time.  However, from  August 1 to November 4, 2024, this divergence occurred with much higher frequency, 53% of the time.

This situation presented a high reward/risk trade opportunity. For instance, one could structure a trade to capitalize on the high likelihood of VX futures returning to contango and a decline in the overall volatility level. One potential trade is buying a put option in VXX. We’ll discuss this strategy in an upcoming webinar.

Seasonality of Volatility

With the holiday season approaching, the equity world often discusses the “Santa Rally.” This raises the question: Is there any seasonality in the volatility market?

The graph below shows the average and median monthly implied and historical volatilities. A clear seasonal pattern is observed, with low volatility between April and July and high volatility in October. However, for December, there is no discernable pattern—volatility can be either high or low during this period.

Educational Video

This webinar by Prof Andrew Papanicolaou covers fundamental concepts of VX futures, such as contango, backwardation, and roll yield. It also presents an approach to modeling the VX futures term structure.


We study VSTOXX, VSTOXX futures and VSTOXX exchange-traded notes (ETNs) econometrically. We find that different rates of mean reversion capture fluctuations in the short and long maturities, respectively. We fit an exponential Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model to the data and find it to capable of simulating ETN time series that have similar properties to the historical observed ETN time series. We compare these results to a similar study performed on ETNs and futures for VIX. We also look at the joint behavior of VIX and VSTOXX futures, and explore portfolio allocation strategies among ETNs for both markets.

Closing Thoughts

The volatility market offers unique insights and opportunities for investors. By understanding concepts like contango, backwardation, and seasonality, we can structure strategies with favorable risk-reward profiles.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Making Use of Information Embedded in VIX Futures Term Structures

With the U.S. election now over, the VIX futures term structure has normalized. It typically follows the spot VIX term structure. However, before the election, the futures term structure was in backwardation while the spot VIX was in contango most of the time. This is a rare occurrence.  Below is a snapshot of the spot and futures term structures on September 26.

VIX futures term structure

In a future issue, I’ll present statistics and trade opportunities for such situations. In today’s issue, however, I will discuss two papers that develop trading systems for VIX futures.

Trading VIX Futures Using Neural Networks

Reference [1]  explores the use of neural networks, a type of artificial intelligence, to trade VIX futures. The authors assume that the term structure of VIX futures follows a Markov model. An interesting aspect of this paper is that it made use of a utility function to generate trading signals. The authors also performed thorough out-of-sample testing using the k-fold cross-validation technique.

The Model

  • The trading strategy aims to maximize expected utility for a day-ahead horizon considering the current shape and level of the term structure.
  • Computationally, a deep neural network with five hidden layers models the functional dependence between the VIX futures curve, positions, and expected utility.
  • Out-of-sample backtests indicate that this method achieves good portfolio performance.


  • The standard procedure for training involves dividing the data into two blocks: one for in-sample training and the other for out-of-sample testing.
  • VIX futures curves from April 14th, 2008, to August 7th, 2019, are used for in-sample training, while the remaining curves from August 8th, 2019, to November 5th, 2020, are used for out-of-sample testing.
  • Since the out-of-sample test is based on a single portfolio run, good performance could be attributed to luck. Therefore the method of k-fold cross-validation is applied.


[1] M. Avellaneda, T. N. Li, A. Papanicolaou, G. Wang, Trading Signals In VIX Futures, Applied Mathematical Finance. 2021;28(3):275–298

Trading VIX Futures Using Machine Learning Techniques

Building on the first paper, Reference [2] investigates machine learning techniques for trading VIX futures. It proposed using Constant Maturity Futures (CMF) to generate trading signals for VIX futures. It applied machine learning models to create these signals.


  • The experiment results show that term structure features, such as μt and ∆roll, are highly effective in predicting the next-day returns of VIX CMFs and offer potential economic benefits.
  • The C-MVO strategy outperformed the benchmark rank-based long-short strategy in backtesting across most machine learning models, offering valuable insights for trading VIX CMFs.
  • Neural network models, particularly ALSTM, demonstrated the best performance in both prediction and backtesting.
  • Tree-based models showed no clear superiority, while the linear regression model, which only considers linear relationships, outperformed all other models.
  • The findings highlight the predictive power of term structure features for next-day returns in VIX CMFs.


[2]  Wang S, Li K, Liu Y, Chen Y, Tang X (2024), VIX constant maturity futures trading strategy: A walk-forward machine learning study, PLoS ONE 19(4): e0302289

Closing Thoughts

These papers present trading systems developed using advanced techniques in machine learning and AI. As such, validation is critical. Techniques such as k-fold validation and walk-forward analysis should be carried out rigorously.

The research also suggests that there is valuable information embedded in the VIX futures term structure. In my opinion, “simple”, intuitive systems can be developed using VIX term structure that can provide decent risk-adjusted returns. Additionally, as I’ve discussed in one of my LinkedIn posts, the S&P 500 market generally leads the VIX market. Therefore, signals from the S&P 500 can also be used to trade VIX futures.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Correlation Between the VVIX and VIX indices

The VIX index is an important market indicator that everyone is watching. VVIX, on the other hand, receives less attention. In this post, we are going to take a look at the relationship between the VIX and VVIX indices.

While the VIX index measures the volatility risks, VVIX measures the volatility-of-volatility risks. Its calculation methodology is similar to the VIX’s except that instead of using SPX options it uses VIX options.

To study the relationship between these 2 indices, we first calculated the rolling 20-days correlation of the VIX and VVIX returns from January 2007 to March 2020. The median value of correlation is 0.807 and 25% quantile is 0.66

The figure below presents the rolling 20-days VIX/VVIX correlation for the last 2 years. We also superimposed SPY on the chart. We observe that the correlation is usually high but there are periods where it decreases significantly. The current period is one of those.

Correlation Between the VVIX and VIX indices
Correlation between the VVIX and VIX indices

The next figure shows the scatter plot of VVIX returns vs. VIX returns. It’s observed that there is a significant population where VIX and VVIX returns are of opposite signs.  We subsequently calculated the number of instances where VIX and VVIX move in the opposite direction. This indeed happens 22% of the time.

VVIX returns vs. VIX returns
VVIX returns vs. VIX returns

Some implications of this study are:

  • Although the correlation between VIX and VVIX appears to be high, there is a significant number of instances where VIX and VVIX move in the opposite direction. So it’s fair to say that VVIX follows separate price dynamics which is different from the VIX. In other words, VVIX prices in different risks.
  • Long VIX options or SPX back spreads are not always a good hedge for an equity portfolio. The hedge can break down.
  • At times it’s cheaper to hedge a long equity portfolio using SPX options; at times it’s cheaper using VIX options.
  • The speed of VIX mean reversion is greater when VIX is high as compared to when VIX is low.

Differences Between the VIX Index And At-the-Money Implied Volatility

When trading options, we often use the VIX index as a measure of volatility to help enter and manage positions. This works most of the time. However, there exist some differences between the VIX index and at-the-money implied volatility (ATM IV). In this post, we are going to show such a difference through an example. Specifically, we study the relationship between the implied volatility and forward realized volatility (RV) [1] of SP500. We utilize data from April 2009 to December 2018.

Recall that the VIX index

  • Is a model-independent measure of volatility,
  • It contains a basket of options, including out-of-the-money options. Therefore it incorporates the skew effect to some degree.

Plot below shows RV as a function of the VIX index.

Volatility trading strategies volatility arbitrage

We observe that a high VIX index will usually lead to a higher realized volatility. The correlation between RV and the VIX is 0.6397.

For traders who manage fixed-strike options, the use of option-specific implied volatilities, in conjunction with the VIX index, should be considered. In this example, we calculate the one-month at-the-money implied volatility using SPY options. Unlike the VIX index, the fixed-strike volatilities are model-dependent. To simplify, we use the Black-Scholes model to determine the fixed-strike, fixed-maturity implied volatilities.  The constant-maturity, floating-strike implied volatilities are then calculated by interpolation.

Plot below shows RV as a function of ATM IV.

Volatility trading strategies implied volatility

We observe similar behaviour as in the previous plot. However, the correlation (0.5925) is smaller. This is probably due to the fact that ATM IV does not include the skew.

In summary:

  • There are differences between the VIX index and at-the-money implied volatility.
  • Higher implied volatilities (as measured by the VIX or ATM IV) will usually lead to higher RV.


[1] In this example, forward realized volatility is historical volatility shifted by one month.

Is Asset Dynamics Priced In Correctly by Black-Scholes-Merton Model?

A lot of research has been devoted to answering the question: do options price in the volatility risks correctly? The most noteworthy phenomenon (or bias) is called the volatility risk premium, i.e. options implied volatilities tend to overestimate future realized volatilities.  Much less attention is paid, however, to the underlying asset dynamics, i.e. to answering the question: do options price in the asset dynamics correctly?

Note that within the usual BSM framework, the underlying asset is assumed to follow a GBM process. So to answer the above question, it’d be useful to use a different process to model the asset price.

We found an interesting article on this subject [1].  Instead of using GBM, the authors used a process where the asset returns are auto-correlated and then developed a closed-form formula to price the options. Specifically, they assumed that the underlying asset follows an MA(1) process,

volatility trading strategies mean reverting asset

where β represents the impact of past shocks and h is a small constant. We note that and in case β=0 the price dynamics becomes GBM.

After applying some standard pricing techniques, a closed-form option pricing formula is derived which is similar to BSM except that the variance (and volatility) contains the autocorrelation coefficient,

volatility trading strategies trending asset

From the above equation, it can be seen that

  • When the underlying asset is mean reverting, i.e. β<0, which is often the case for equity indices, the MA(1) volatility becomes smaller. Therefore if we use BSM with σ as input for volatility, it will overestimate the option price.
  • Conversely, when the asset is trending, i.e. β>0, BSM underestimates the option price.
  • Time to maturity, τ, also affects the degree of over- underpricing. Longer-dated options will be affected more by the autocorrelation factor.


[1] Liao, S.L. and Chen, C.C. (2006), Journal of Futures Markets, 26, 85-102.

VIX Mean Reversion After a Volatility Spike

In a previous post, we showed that the spot volatility index, VIX, has a strong mean reverting tendency. In this follow-up installment we’re going to further investigate the mean reverting properties of the VIX. Our primary goal is to use this study in order to aid options traders in positioning and/or hedging their portfolios.

To do so, we first calculate the returns of the VIX index. We then determine the quantiles of the return distribution. The table below summarizes the results.

Quantile 50% 75% 85% 95%
Volatility spike -0.31% 3.23% 5.68% 10.83%

We next calculate the returns of the VIX after a significant volatility spike. We choose round-number spikes of 3% and 6%, which roughly correspond to the 75% and 85% quantiles, respectively. Finally, we count the numbers of occurrences of negative VIX returns, i.e. instances where it decreases to below its initial value before the spike.

Tables below present the numbers of occurrences 1, 5, 10 and 20 days out. As in a previous study, we divide the volatility environment into 2 regimes: low (VIX<=20) and high (VIX>20). We used data from January 1990 to December 2017.

VIX spike > 3%
Days out All cases VIX<=20 VIX>20
1 56.1% 54.9% 58.1%
5 59.7% 58.4% 61.8%
10 60.3% 57.0% 65.8%
20 61.6% 57.0% 69.5%


VIX spike > 6%
Days out All cases VIX<=20 VIX>20
1 58.2% 56.9% 60.3%
5 62.5% 62.0% 63.3%
10 64.0% 61.7% 67.6%
20 65.9% 61.4% 73.2%

We observe the followings,

  • The greater the spike, the stronger the mean reversion. For example, for all volatility regimes (“all cases”), 10 days after the initial spike of 3%, the VIX decreases 60% of the time, while after a 6% volatility spike it decreases 64% of the time,
  • The mean reversion is stronger in the high volatility regime. For example, after a volatility spike of 3%, if the VIX was initially low (<20), then after 10 days it reverts 57% of the time, while if it was high (>20) it reverts 66% of the time,
  • The longer the time frame (days out), the stronger the mean reversion.

The implication of this study is that

  • After a volatility spike, the risk of a long volatility position, especially if VIX options are involved, increases. We would better off reducing our vega exposure or consider taking profits, at least partially,
  • If we don’t have a position prior to a spike, we then can take advantage of its quick mean reversion by using bounded-risk options positions.

Is a 4% Down Day a Black Swan?

On February 5, the SP500 experienced a drop of 4% in a day. We ask ourselves the question:  is a one-day 4% drop a common occurrence? The table below shows the number of 4% (or more) down days since 1970.

   4% down 4% down and bullish
From 1970 40 5


On average, a 4% down day occurred each 1.2 years, which is probably not a rare occurrence.

We next counted the number of days when the SP500 dropped 4% or more during a bull market. We defined the bull market as price > 200-Day simple moving average.  Since 1970 there have been 5 occurrences, i.e. on average once every 10 years. We don’t know whether this qualifies as a black swan event, but a drop of more than 4% during a bull market is indeed very rare.

The table below shows the dates of such  occurrences. It’s interesting to note that before the February 5 event, the last two 4% drops when price> 200-day SMA occurred around the dot-com period.

Date %change
September 11, 1986 -4.8
October 13, 1989 -6.1
October 27, 1997 -6.9
April 14, 2000 -5.8
February 5, 2018 -4.1